Digest Vol. 84 – January is almost ending


Time sure flies. Especially when it’s everyday fun (one way or another).

Eroge Playthrough

Didn’t progress much. Finished Aoba and I think I’m about halfway through Miya. Still on slow pace :(

Playing Dereste isn’t helping either. I’m stopping again after the current event which is ending next Friday.

…which then will be followed by reinstalling Windows on main desktop (and eroge release day). Oh well.

One last thing on Moteyaba, apparently the premise of whatevermajigy thing (Kokkai no Gi) is actually the main driver of the stories including for Aoba and Miya (and possibly the rest). That should help me concentrate a bit more.

Wasting Money

I thought it’s going to be a light week. And then Anmi put up her C91 (and more) tapestries on Booth.

I also finally pre-ordered Denkigai official goods. Four tapestries this time. At least this one was planned.

Later I realized I forgot about vol.3 of Otome Domain radio CD. Well, it wasn’t too bad.

Thinking I’m done with the stuff, I went ahead and placed orders for some H-anime I’ve been kind of wanted but not actually included in any budget for some reason.

So that’s all good. And then Cuffs went ahead by announcing the terrible event, kind of forcing me buying the MintCube game. So there goes unexpected 10k.

Lastly I got Pan’s CT29 tapestry which is a bit expensive (about +60% original price). Though considering the event was in Osaka I figured it’s kind of okay. Barely.

At least I managed to sell konomi tapestry for 7k which is over twice the price I bought it for. That said, transaction for one of other stuff fell through. Whoops.

Will put a bit more stuff as well later this week… though I don’t think they’ll sell anytime soon.

I cleaned up my doujins collection and almost ready to sell them to Suruga-Ya. Just need to sort out other stuff a bit as well before actually shipping it and probably ending up with meager amount of money.

Overall I’m at green-ish at the moment. Barring unexpected stuff, I should be full green next month.


Doujinshi sure lost its value really badly. Most of Digital Lover stuff is currently at 0 yen at Suruga-Ya. Not only that, selling them through YJA is also painful and even I myself wouldn’t do it unless there isn’t any alternative. Only really a few select books can retain its value after a while.

In that regard, tapestry and hug pillow cover do retain the value quite long. Especially tapestries – as long it’s not heavily damaged (which is not quite easy to do), it can practically retain its full value based on current rarity.

Hug pillow cover on the other hand is pretty annoying to keep its value. The only case it can keep its original value is when it’s the rarer stuff. Otherwise I think it’s safe to say it lost half of its value just by virtue of being in opened state. Not only that, keeping it in good condition is pretty difficult as well – it’s relatively easy to damage.


New Stuff

More Tomose Shunsaku doujins from Suruga-Ya. I think I’ve grabbed all their original books. Probably won’t be getting non-originals. Also they sure like hypnotism stuff.

These complete my Tarareba store bonus CDs. I didn’t even intended to. I also got the tapestry for Medio though I won’t be keeping it.

Comiket day 4 part 3…? I think this is the last one. Except Pan. Still waiting for that one…

After limited to only B2 and B0 tapestries, Melonbooks finally has some B1 tapestries! And I think I got all of the first batch. I skipped all the second one though, lol. First up is from Yukie. My first B1 Yukie tapestry. Too bad it’s the Melonbooks’ Melon-chan (I think? Considering that stem and green hair). I’ll hold this until something better comes.

The second one, also my first Pan B1 tapestry. This one is her mascot(?) characters, Cocoa.

Lastly, and the only one that’s R-18. Illustrated by konomi, Yuuri from minori’s Trinoline. I think this is the first time they have an eroge related goods. And from the look of it, there will probably be more coming later (this week?).

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